Your CV is your marketing tool that clearly demonstrates evidence of the skills and qualities you possess, it represents your personality as well as your skills. Your primary objective when writing your CV is to create one that will make you stand out from other applicants, it’s your sales tool to get you through the door! Remember that a potential employer will only spend 30-60 seconds reading about your life history, so your CV needs to make an instant impact. Remember an over-complicated CV may not get a first glance.

Your Gi Group consultant will be happy to advise you on CV content and layout, but there are a few initial pointers below to get you started. It is generally recognised that CVs include the following sections:

  • Personal Details
  • Personal profile/career objective (ideally less than 50 words)
  • Qualifications, Education & Training
  • Experience (only elaborate where relevant to the role you are applying to)
  • Positions of responsibility/achievements/interests
  • Referees


Use only one typeface, such as Arial, use upper and lower case letters, make sure headings are consistent and keep to your margins. For some creative roles, an alternative approach may be appreciated but keep it original and professional. Your professionalism and motivation are demonstrated by your spelling, grammar and attention to detail. How effective you are with regard to written communication and decision making is demonstrated through a well targeted CV that interprets and prioritises your experiences. A CV should be three pages maximum, single-sided, printed on quality paper and with NO grammatical and spelling errors (watch out for American spell-checks on PCs, they can catch you out).

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