Diversity and Inclusion has rightly become an increasingly pressing topic for discussion for the majority of organisations. How to create workplaces that attract a diverse pool of employees and build a culture of inclusivity – where individual needs and perspectives are respected and where all employees feel valued and empowered to give their best – is something every organisation needs to focus on.

The business case for embracing diverse teams is clear as companies with racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to perform at a higher level and have increased ROI[1]. In doing so you can also boost attraction and retention rates in your workforce as employees feel valued and new candidates view your organisation as forward-thinking and inclusive of a wide range of people.

However, for many organisations the pursuit of a more diverse and inclusive workplace is a long-term endeavour, requiring investment, commitment and a real acceptance of change. But for those companies willing to embrace this change – the individual, and business-wide benefits are far reaching.

As the leader of a business that places people at its core, whether that be our employees or flexible workforce, I am incredibly proud that Gi Group UK will be supporting Inclusive Employers’ National Inclusion Week 2021 which this year runs from 27th September – 3rd October.

Now in its 9th year, National Inclusion Week brings organisations together from across the globe to celebrate, share and inspire inclusion practices. Every year has a theme and in 2021 it is about unity. By participating in Inclusion Week, Gi Group UK will be joining the Inclusive Employers team and thousands of ‘inclusioneers’ worldwide as we take action to be #UnitedForInclusion[2].

While the subject of Diversity and Inclusion is something all leaders should be focused on 365 days a year, the week-long focus on this crucial topic helps us to shine a greater spotlight on the importance of building inclusive workplaces. Workplaces where our people have a real sense of belonging, are engaged and feel they can make a real contribution – and where barriers to inclusion are challenged and swept away.

Across the week we will be taking part in a number of activities as well as sharing employee stories on what inclusivity means for them and undertaking a 5-day bias challenge. We look forward to sharing our progress with you across the week as we join with other likeminded companies and individuals to bring this vital topic to the forefront.

#NationalInclusionWeek2021 #UnitedForInclusion


[1] https://whattobecome.com/blog/diversity-in-the-workplace-statistics/

[2] https://www.inclusiveemployers.co.uk/national-inclusion-week/?cn-reloaded=1

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